When is the last time you took an audit on the balance in your life and decided you needed a break from something?
Six months ago, I wrote up some BitsizedTakeaways on Gary Vee’s video Are You Working Hard Enough. As ambitious people, we can all go through phases where we are overwhelmed by motivational content, especially with today’s social media platforms.
We are swamped from all angels with a constant flow of contradictory messages on Instagram, Youtube etc. Generally, on the one side, we have the individuals who try to give off the impression of being constantly in the HUSTLE and GRIND mode.Then on the other side, we have those who appear to have it all with minimal work and a program which costs a house to complete. There is rarely much middle ground and everyone seems to be living at 100 miles per hour.
But where is the break???
The problem is, being in this constant state of GRIND MODE or being constantly connected isn’t good for your health, we really need to disconnect. A post which explores this idea of balance is one from Virgin from an interview with Max Blumberg. This post highlights how this drive to be constantly connected is fuelled by dopamine and can make us very reactive people.
“Our brains will always be seduced by the high stimuli because of the dopamine that it provides. It’s really similar to having ADHD…”
This all comes back to the idea of a Work-Life Balance, something which I don’t think can be packaged up and standardized to fit everyone.
There are many factors which impact on someone’s ability to have a complete Work Life Balance such family, friends, bills and also it’s subjective. One person’s idea of a Work – Life Balance may be hell to someone else!
I don’t have all the answers, but my suggestion for more balance is the following:
- Set a monthly target for yourself e.g to read more or use less Facebook
- Break these down into weekly/daily targets
- Trail it and adjust throughout
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