One is Greater than Zero! – Gary Vaynerchuk

One is Greater than Zero

One is Greater than Zero.  A very simple thought from Gary which many of us overlook in search of immediate recognition for the work we do in our hustles/side hustles.

This video from Gary is one we can go back to when we find ourselves being caught in the envious; shiny object syndrome. Specifically, cases which later lead us to compare ourselves or our ventures to something we think is better.

Gary highlights that despite the perception that acknowledgment and huge opportunities were instantaneous this wasn’t the case. Placement on shows such as; Ellen and CNN didn’t occur overnight, he started small first. Gary also prides himself on valuing each individual person’s interactions even with the smaller audiences and platforms.It is the other side of valuing the small interactions which I found hard at first.

Like many of you know with websites traffic fluctuates constantly. Within the first month of inspirEnrich I became somewhat disheartened when I wasn’t seeing spikes in the traffic numbers. The problem with this was it wasn’t why I started the platform. Also, I was also expecting way too much too soon in writing.

My #BitesizedTakeaways are:

  • Stay humble and patient.
  • Don’t turn down the small opportunities, you can learn from them.
  • Value interaction you get.

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Written by courtney

Founder and sole editor for the platform.