Hi Guys! Lydia K.M here, I am a talk show host, an actress, and YouTuber. I’m back on inspirEnrich with another post (read my first one here) more than a year on to reflect on the journey thus far. When re-reading that post I was surprised at how optimistic I was being unemployed in a new country and just loving creating on YouTube. I started my YouTube channel because I wanted a creative space where I could build a community by communicating wisdom. Youtube was the perfect place to find my footing
as I just started to feel comfortable defining myself as a creative.
1. The YouTube Struggle and Step-back
After posting my first few videos in 2017, my goal for 2018 was to create a full 3 full playlists, which were ‘Thoughts by Lydia K.M.’ ‘Conversations with Lydia K.M.’ and ‘Vlogs by Lydia K.M.’. The ‘Thoughts by Lydia K.M.’ playlist was to consist of 2-3 minute videos communicating life lessons that I’ve learned along the way. ‘Conversations with Lydia K.M.’ was to be a series of sit-downs with some of the people I look up to and ‘Vlogs by Lydia K.M.’ was supposed to be 10 –
I really struggled with consistency when things started to pick up elsewhere. Even the time to shoot started being allocated to other tasks and goals so eventually I just took a break. I think had I started my channel as a side thing, it would have been easier to manage. It was the only thing I was doing when I started, bar going out to auditions so when another job came along, it took the back burner.
No matter how great your videos are…there’s a trust that develops with your viewers when they are sure you’re committed.
I still have goals for my channel. My goals for 2018 have been inadvertently pushed to 2019 and I think I have a new found love for a platform where there are no rules on what type of content you put out. You can literally record yourself eating your breakfast and that’s content. Working on TV now I see the freedom YouTube has and it has reignited a new found fire for that space. The passion to create didn’t die, I was still articulating on a different platform.
2. ‘Hey, Let’s Talk’ about how I’m finding my lane
As I mentioned, I work on TV now. I am a talk show host on ‘Hey, Let’s Talk’ on Ebru TV Kenya. It’s a 4 women panel show where we discuss trending topics. See the video below as one of the more talked about topics (but keep reading!)
I have also been part of a couple of commercials ads and was the lead actress in an upcoming movie. The passion for TV has been a long term goal of mine, it’s been a journey to get to this place. I wanted to be a talk show host so the acting and commercials ads are a way of getting more exposure and I really enjoy them!. I had no clue how to navigate myself around the media industry in Kenya so I dived into anything that builds my network.

3. How I keep my mind ready for greatness!
With all of the above, the vision is to be Africa’s Oprah has taken a huge step forward. I believe in the law of attraction so in preparation for what was to come following the #YouTubeStruggle I binged on other talk shows, envisioning exactly what mine will be like, basically doing everything to kill any doubt that my vision will manifest. I have also become very disciplined with my meditation and affirmations.
I wake up to meditate for 15 minutes and do a 30-minute yoga practice. The only yoga guide I have is Yoga with Adrienne, an incredible guide and one of my favorite YouTube Channels. I then do my daily affirmations. I took some from a book I read, ‘Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway’ by Susan Jeffers and others from spiritual teachers I listen to like Abraham Hicks. Just to note a few:
‘I let go and I trust it’s all happening perfectly’,
‘I release my fear of lack and accept the abundance and prosperity of the universe’, and ‘I am powerful,
I am loving and I have nothing to fear.’
I put a great deal of effort in changing my mindset because I believe the content consumed has to be inspirational and positive from books, to who I follow on Instagram. Your mind creates your reality so I make sure it’s positive, present and focused. Even some of the people I am around have to be consistent with the same vibe. The iron sharpens iron so when I redefine myself, they have to be aligned to that. Reason being that I belive before you have truly made the total transformation you have to rise to the occasion and keep up with the new standards around you. Everything must align towards

4. What’s up next for me?
As I said before the goals for 2019 are the same as 2018. I am relaunching my channel on
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