A few weeks ago I met up with two of my close friends for food and general catch up. As the day progressed and we discussed work, life and passion projects; Jas brought up the area of “Brain Juice“. In this post, you may find value in our loose thoughts.
What is Brain Juice?
Brain Juice as Jas explained it was the “quota of action units you have each day to carry out daily tasks“.
These things could be your relationships, exercise, work or anything which you require the brain for(aka everything). A good way to visualize this is when you wake up your brain (The Piggy Bank) has 100 coins in it. As you carry out activities the coins drop and the more complex the task is the more coins used. Furthermore, the more experienced you are with something, in theory, should mean that the less Brain Juice you will use.

How do you make the most of your quota?
For this, I will draw from the book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People and the third habit “Put The First Things First”. Protecting your Brain Juice is like a mathematical equation, for every plus there is a minus. Meaning, the more time and energy you spend on less important things is the lower your Brain Juice will be.
Prioritize! do the most important first, putting them off won’t get you far!
How do you keep your Brain Juice levels up?
As you’ve probably gathered by now Brain Juice is very much just your willpower/stick-ability. The difference being visualising it piggy bank specifically your Brain Juice helps to bring it home. There are many ways I’m sure you can think of which are zapping your Brain Juice.
There are many things I’m sure you can think of which are zapping your Brain Juice daily. To help you think of ways to maintain your Brain Juice levels I’ll list four of mine:
- Prioritising
- Getting plenty of sleep
- Talking with others
- Motivational content
You can also check out this post from Buffer which gives an insight into the science of willpower
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